7+1 tips for designers about hackathons

Reading time:
June 7, 2019
Hackathlon ff.next's 1st place

uxdesign.com article by Ferenc Muck

Are you a designer who is willing to participate in a hackathon? This is your first time and you don’t know how to prepare for it? Or you already have been there but you want to improve your skills? No worries! In this article, our co-founder and Head of Design, Ferenc Muck will tell you all about the most important elements in order to give a kickass pitch. Here you can see the key components of success:

  1. Set up the right team
  2. Be prepared
  3. Do your research 
  4. Create a strategic concept
  5. “Show, don’t tell!”
  6. Simplify branding
  7. How to pitch

     +1   The secret sauce (video/Prezi)

If you are interested and want to know more about hackathoning and more importantly winning, you can read the whole article by checking out the article:


7+1 tips for designers about hackathons

Reading time:

June 7, 2019

Are you a designer who is willing to participate in a hackathon? This is your first time and you don’t know how to prepare for it? Or you already have been there but you want to improve your skills? No worries! In this article, our co-founder and Head of Design, Ferenc Muck will tell you all about the most important elements in order to give a kickass pitch. Here you can see the key components of success:

  1. Set up the right team
  2. Be prepared
  3. Do your research 
  4. Create a strategic concept
  5. “Show, don’t tell!”
  6. Simplify branding
  7. How to pitch

     +1   The secret sauce (video/Prezi)

If you are interested and want to know more about hackathoning and more importantly winning, you can read the whole article by checking out the article:



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