Our branding and visual identity project has been featured on Abduzeedo!

Reading time:
March 26, 2021
Man holding ff.next news illustration

Our branding and visual identity project has been featured on Abduzeedo, a collective of individual writers sharing articles about design, photography, and UX!

We were really excited to see, that our branding and visual identity project has been featured at Abduzeedo, a collective of individual writers sharing articles about design, photography, and UX! 📷

Flat lay of ff.next branding items, including business cards, a pen, a cleaning cloth, an envelope, and sticker illustrations

The comprehensive art direction has been created ✍️ by our illustrator and visual designer colleague, Tamara Dózsa and includes several elements from branded business cards, through social media visuals to totebags. 👜

ff.next website mobile mockup
ff.next website mobile mockup
Flat lay of ff.next branded business cards
Flat lay of ff.next branded business cards
ff.next black logo stickers
ff.next black logo stickers
ff.next branded orange sticker illustrations
ff.next branded orange sticker illustrations

We are really honoured by this recognition 🙏 , check out the full article about our work on Abduzeedo!


Our branding and visual identity project has been featured on Abduzeedo!

Reading time:

March 26, 2021

We were really excited to see, that our branding and visual identity project has been featured at Abduzeedo, a collective of individual writers sharing articles about design, photography, and UX! 📷

Flat lay of ff.next branding items, including business cards, a pen, a cleaning cloth, an envelope, and sticker illustrations

The comprehensive art direction has been created ✍️ by our illustrator and visual designer colleague, Tamara Dózsa and includes several elements from branded business cards, through social media visuals to totebags. 👜

ff.next website mobile mockup
ff.next website mobile mockup
Flat lay of ff.next branded business cards
Flat lay of ff.next branded business cards
ff.next black logo stickers
ff.next black logo stickers
ff.next branded orange sticker illustrations
ff.next branded orange sticker illustrations

We are really honoured by this recognition 🙏 , check out the full article about our work on Abduzeedo!



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Illustration of a person sitting on the card
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